French Café

A flourishing partnership can only work with sufficient communication. And to ensure that this does not fail due to a language barrier, we have launched a new project: the French Café. At the end of 2021, the idea came up at a regulars' table and its realisation was quickly pushed forward.

Our interpreter Rozenn has agreed to take over the running of the café. Once a month, anyone who is interested gets the opportunity to brush up on their French and learn new things in a convivial setting. Nevertheless, the café does not follow a fixed curriculum or workbook. Instead, various topics are discussed, accompanied by small exercises. This also leaves enough room to discuss and share experiences and adventures.

If you would like to join the French Café, just come along! You don't have to be a member of the partnership committee to speak and learn French with us. We meet every third Thursday of the month in the multi-generation house in Mellendorf. Meeting point is at the main entrance and from there we walk together to the room. There we sit together from 5pm to 7pm, talk and learn French together. We look forward to seeing you!

Would you like to take part in the French Café? Then just come along or get in touch with us!