pre-school exchange

Is there a certain age to become part of an international partnership or to have friends abroad? We don't think so. And that's why we also want to get our youngest on board. Because even from a young age, an international friendship can work. And especially for young children it is exciting to learn that there are other children outside of Germany.

To encourage curiosity about the other children, we have set up a project. This is an exchange between a French and a German kindergarten. Of course, the children are still too young to master a foreign language in such a way that they could talk or write with the other children. But an exchange also works without language, because pictures say more than a thousand words. That's why the German children are supposed to draw pictures, which are then sent to France as a collection. And then they have to wait. And that means waiting for the answer from France, which also consists of pictures.

In this way, even our youngest children have the opportunity to actively participate in and shape our partnership. In addition, this project shows that language is not always important, but that a friendship can also function without words. Various kindergartens in Roye and Wedemark were contacted. The Henstorf day-care centre in Bissendorf and the École maternelle "Les Tilleuls" in Roye have agreed to take care of the exchange of pictures.

In December 2021, the project was officially launched. A package with pictures from the children from the Henstorf day care centre made its way to France. The children had drawn pictures about their favourite food. The answer from France was eagerly awaited and when the parcel finally arrived, the joy was great. The teachers from France had asked the children to draw their favourite food as well. As Christmas was just around the corner, the older children had also painted and made little reindeer and Christmas trees.

You can see pictures of the first two packages in our gallery.

We are already looking forward to sending the next pictures to France!