About us - the committee

The idea of town twinning was born after the Second World War in order to heal the wounds caused by it. In Wedemark, too, we have been committed to friendly European co-operation since 1984 with the start of our partnership with the French town of Roye.

A lot has happened since then. We have organised many great projects in close cooperation with the municipality of Wedemark and various associations. We were also able to sign a letter of intent with the southern Swedish municipality of Gislaved in 2014 and are currently laying the foundations for a solidarity partnership with a town in Ukraine.

‘We’ is the partnership committee of the municipality of Wedemark. In addition to Dunja Maaß as chairwoman and Larbi Amerouz as her deputy, several members are appointed by political parties and organisations in the municipality. Many of them remain members after their term of office and enrich our work with their commitment and ideas. Of course, the mayor and his deputy are also part of the committee. We are supported by volunteer translators to ensure that our work is not hindered by language barriers.


Dunja Maaß

Deputy Chairman

Larbi Amerouz

Community representatives

Jörg Clausing


Dunja Maaß


Larbi Amerouz


Andrea Giese


Jörg Woldenga

Seniors' Advisory Council

Gitta Jansen

Disability Advisory Council

Uwe Nautscher

Community Advisory Board

Mario Stumpf

Fire brigade

Benjamin Bohlmann


Rozenn Saint-Cast

* As soon as the municipality has a new youth parliament, we would be delighted to welcome a member from its ranks.

We hope that we have been able to arouse your curiosity. So if you would like to help us fill the international space with friendship and cohesion, you are always welcome!