TSA Rot-Weiß Mellendorf

In May 2005, the RotWeiß dance troupe visited Roye. A weekend that is positively remembered by all involved.

The dance group was welcomed by the initiators of the weekend and leaders of the Roye Dance School, Nicole and Gérard Pages, as well as the host parents. With enormous hospitality, everyone was invited to a special dinner at the home of one of the host parents.

The following day, all participants went to Amiens to see the city and the cathedral, accompanied by an organised guide. A canal trip was also taken past the beautiful allotment gardens. "It was very impressive to go through the 2000-year-old canals," enthused Dieter Sorge, one of the participants of the trip. The trip to Amiens was concluded with a joint lunch of the city of Roye in a restaurant in Amiens.

After an eventful day, the programme continued in the evening. The Roye Dance School invited us to the beautifully decorated ballroom in Roye. Mr. and Mrs. Pages led through a very extensive programme with demonstrations of various kinds, all dancers of the Roye Dance School. From country to tango and Viennese waltz and other dance styles, everything was represented. The Mellendorfer Tanzsparte RotWeiß also showed their skills. Finally, there was a long disco night, which all dancers enjoyed very much. With feet dancing all night, everyone went home to their host families late at night.

On Sunday, the return journey was started.

Looking back, the Sorge couple say "that it was an indescribable weekend, which the hosts from Roye put on with a lot of heart and hospitality. And that it was a pleasure to have taken part in the event." It is a lasting memory for all involved and they can only suggest to everyone to plan an exchange of their club with a matching club in Roye in order to have an equally great joint experience!