Fire brigade

After initial contact via the chairman of the initiative committee, Mr Peter Fahnemann, the Wedemark Volunteer Fire Brigade showed a keen interest in a partnership with the fire brigade comrades from Roye. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the local fire brigade in Brelingen in 1986, a fire brigade delegation from the twin town came to Wedemark for the first time under the leadership of the then town fire chief Jacques Platerier. These were the days when the foundation stone was laid for the good relations with France that continue to this day.

In May 1987, the first delegation of the Wedemark fire brigade travelled to Roye. The firefighters from Wedemark got to know the French firefighting system and were able to find many similarities.

The comrades from Roye were invited to the Wedemark for the "fire fair" Interschutz in 1988. During their visit, the French also took part in a fire brigade competition in Mellendorf. The highlights of the first years of the partnership included the invitation to the 200th anniversary of the revolution in 1989 and the 200th anniversary of the Roye fire brigade in 1992.

In the following years, in addition to the exchange of fire brigades, plans were made for an exchange of youth fire brigades. This was followed by reciprocal visits, which were fondly remembered by all participants. The only sticking point with each visit: time passes far too quickly!

Other memorable events include various partnership anniversaries, the inauguration of the new fire station in Roye and our visit as part of the Interschutz Ambassador Tour in 2019.

But contacts did not remain limited to the "fire brigade visits". Some of the contacts were also continued and intensified in private, from short visits during private holidays to invitations to family celebrations.

By now, the third and fourth generations from Wedemark and France are involved in the exchange. The opinion on the partnership is clear: "Here's to many more wonderful years!"