
We are a group of committed people who work on a voluntary basis to promote exchange between cultures and maintain the twinning arrangements of the municipality of Wedemark. Together we form the town twinning committee of the municipality. The committee is made up of different people. On the one hand, we have a board of directors, which consists of a chairperson and a vice-chairperson.

On the other hand, some members are nominated by certain bodies and organisations in the municipality. There are members from the Wedemark council, the municipal fire brigade, the senior citizens' advisory council, the municipal parents' council and the disabled persons' advisory council. Of course, the mayor or his deputy is also part of the committee.

Here is the current listing of the committee:

Chairperson: Dunja Maaß
Vice-Chairman: Larbi Amrouz
Municipal administration:: Jörg Clausing

CDU: Dunja Maaß
SPD: Larbi Amerouz
FDP: Andrea Giese
WWR: Jörg Woldenga
Senior Citizens' Advisory Council: Gitta Jansen
Disability Advisory Council: Uwe Nautscher
Gemeindeelternrat: Mario Stumpf (aus eigenem Interesse)
Fire brigade: Benjamin Bohlmann

Translation: Rozenn Saint-Cast

As soon as the municipality has a new youth parliament, we would be happy to welcome a member from its ranks.

Of course, not all our members are appointed by other bodies. Anyone who feels like volunteering in the field of town twinning is welcome! Many appointed members remain on the committee after their term of office and enrich it with their commitment and ideas. Age does not matter. No matter how old or young you are, you will be welcomed with open arms if you want to contribute to the exchange between cultures.

Are you interested in our work and could you imagine supporting us? Then get in touch with us!